Drug Companies May Have A Cure For Cancer: Artemisinin
Don't believe me
- just click on the links yourself. I know it is hard to believe
there appears to be a cure for cancer and nobody seems to know about
it, but the facts are the facts. It appears that the Synthetic
Version (5,578,637) Patents
are in and we will know more after their future profits are secure.
The only thing is - Artemisinin is an herb, which cannot be
patented and grows freely all over the planet and best of all...
it costs a few dollars to purchase, pills, plants, seeds, or
powder form.
This amazing herb was also examined for its activity against 55 cancer cell lines.
1. University of Washington: Ancient Chinese remedy shows potential in preventing breast cancer
Professor Henry
Lai and Assistant Professor Narendra Singh of the University of
Washington have been conducting in vitro experiments to determine the
effectiveness of Artemisinin in fighting cancer. A study concerning
their research published in the Journal Life Sciences described how the
compound killed virtually all human breast cancer cells exposed to it within sixteen hours.
According to Dr. Lai, “Not only does it appear to be effective, but it’s very selective.” He continued “it’s highly toxic to the cancer cells, but has a marginal impact on normal breast cells.”
Although full-scale human trials have not been conducted as yet, in one animal
trial, a dog with severe bone cancer was completely cured within five days of
being given the Artemisinin cocktail.
2. Even the National Institute of Health has been conducting successful tests for years - here are the results and proof that it is a cure:
a. Effects of artemisinin and its derivatives on growth inhibition and apoptosis of oral cancer cells. Head Neck. 2007 Apr;29(4):335-40.
b. Artemisinins for schistosomiasis and beyond. Curr Opin Investig Drugs. 2007 Feb;8(2):105-16. Review.
c. Willmar Schwabe Award 2006: antiplasmodial and antitumor activity of artemisinin--from bench to bedside.
Planta Med. 2007 Apr;73(4):299-309. Epub 2007 Mar 12. Review.
d. Artesunate inhibits angiogenesis and downregulates vascular endothelial growth factor expression in chronic myeloid leukemia K562 cells. Vascul Pharmacol. 2007 Aug-Sep;47(2-3):131-8. Epub 2007 May 24.
e. Dihydroartemisinin is an inhibitor of ovarian cancer cell growth. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2007 Jul;28(7):1045-56.
f. The role of calcium, P38 MAPK in dihydroartemisinin-induced apoptosis of lung cancer PC-14 cells.
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2008 Apr;61(4):639-45. Epub 2007 Jul 4.
4. Artemisinin (Wormwood) - From Malaria To Cancer
5. Artemisinin and Cancer: Extract of Chinese Herb Fights Cancer This Malaria Drug Also Kills Cancer Cells
6. Cancer Smart Bomb, Part I: An Idea from Ancient Chinese Medicine
7. Artemisinin could selectively kill cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed
8. Anti-Cancer Effect of Artemisinin
So where do you buy the herb: Google it, go to eBay, or ask somebody.
Either way, do your own research. These links are put up here to get you started.
Case Studies
Case 1:
is a West Coast woman in her 40’s with breast cancer and
extremely painful metasteses all over her spine. She had received
limited radiation therapy to reduce the pain in the thoracic spine
prior to consulting me. She began artemisinin, and a variety of
complementary strategies, including diet, detoxification and Kelly type
proteolytic enzymes. Immediately, her energy exploded. Her pain level
took a dive when she received treatment from an Edgar Cayce Foundation
healer. Her comment after two weeks on artemisinin was "Last week I
thought I was dying, and today for the first time in months, I believe
I am going to live." Four months into therapy using oral supplements
alone (no IV therapy), diet and detoxification strategies, a PET scan,
the most efficient and sensitive study for spread of cancer, did not
show any activity anywhere in her spine, even in places that were
present before and not radiated! Further, the scan did not confirm
definite cancer activity anywhere else!
Case 2:
V.M. an 83 year old Toronto resident. Healthy most of her life, she now
had a non-small cell lung carcinoma in the right lower lobe, considered
non-resectable because of heart failure and circulatory problems. She
received Artemisinin 500mg BID and Carnivora oral, via nebulizer, 5cc
BID. In 4 months the tumor shrunk to 1x2 cm and her oncologist felt
this represented scar tissue and declared her cancer free. (Her heart
condition improved considerably with CoQ10, 600mg daily).
Case 3:
F.A., an 81 year-old Californian with multiple skin cancers including
one active recurrent quarter-sized lesion that had been burned 4 times
previously. Topical artemisinin applied twice daily caused the large
lesion to fall off within 5 days and other smaller skin cancers to
regress. His wife reported the same with her skin cancers.
Case 4:
D.A., a 47-year-old mechanic with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, had a 4.5
centimeter tumor on the right side of his head, with a gaping incision
from a recent biopsy, and tremendous inflammatory reddening (erythema).
A dose of 60 milligrams of artesunate (a metabolite of artemisinin) was
administered intramuscularly (IM) for 14 consecutive days. The patient
also switched to the high protein/vegetable diet. At the end of two
weeks, a depression appeared at the apex of the tumor. Four weeks
later, the mass was completely gone, the skull surface was smooth, the
incision totally healed and the erythema virtually cleared. The patient
was apparently cancer-free six months later.